Mapping Africa, 2nd-3rd December. Program
Mapping Africa from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century
Construction, Transmission and Circulation of Cartographic Knowledge about Africa
(Europe, Arab World and Africa)
Thursday 2nd December 2010 – Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Auditorium
Session 1: Cartographers and Sources
Discussant: Jean-Marc Besse, CNRS, UMR « Géographie-cités », EHGO, Paris
9.30 Registration and introduction
10.00 Wulf Bodenstein (Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren), The Great Map of Africa in Ten Sheets by H.Habenicht Published in 1885 for the Centenary of Justus Perthes from Gotha (French)
10.30 Olivier Loiseaux (Bibliothèque nationale de France – Cartes et plans), Jules Hansen (1849-1931) Geographic Designer (French)
11.00 Discussion
11.15 – Break
11.30 Angelo Cattaneo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa – CHAM), Producing Knowledge on the Moroccan Territory in the Sixteenth Century: Analysis of a Newly Discovered Manuscript Portuguese “Atlantic Chart” (c. 1519-1545) (English)
12.00 Alexandra Loumpet-Galitzine (Université de Yaoundé), Representing one’s Oikoumenē: King Njoya’s Cartography (Bamum, Western Cameroon) (French)
12.30 Discussion
13.15 Lunch
Session 2: Debates, Confrontations, Transmission/Non-Transmission
Discussant: Patrick Gautier-Dalché (CNRS – IRHT)
14.30 Lucile Haguet (Bnf Cartes et Plans), Do Maps Like Filling the Gaps? A New Epistemology of Enlightenment Cartography through the Egyptian Example (fifteenth-eighteenth centuries) (French)
15.00 Robin Seignobos (Université Paris I – CEMAf), Nubia and the Nile River: Cartographic Models and Sources Confrontation in the Representation of the Nubian Space (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) (French)
15.30 Discussion
15.45 – Break
16.00 Patricia Seed (University of California, Irvine), The World of Fifteenth-Century Counterfeit Cartographies of West Africa (English)
16.30 Norman Etherington (University of Western Australia), Robert Moffat, Jr. and his ‘Map of South Eastern Africa’, 1848-51: Struggling Against the Erasure of African Place Names” (English)
17.00 Discussion
18.15 – Wine reception
Friday 3rd December 2010 -Bnf, Site Richelieu, Salle des Commissions
Session 3: Representing a Continent, Representing Space
Discussant: Hélène Blais (Université Paris-ouest Nanterre)
9.30 Anna Caiozzo (Université Paris 7) and Annie Vernay-Nouri (Bnf département des Manuscrits), Africa between Cartographers and Cosmographers. Imaginary and Representation in the BnF Collections (French)
10.00 Jean-Charles Ducène (Université libre de Bruxelles), Africa in Arab Medieval Circular Mappamundi: a Typology of Representation (French)
10.30 Emmanuelle Tixier du Mesnil (Université Paris-ouest Nanterre), The Book and the Map: African space according to Al-Balkhî and al-Idrîsî (French)
11.00 Discussion
11.15 – Break
11.30 Christian Germanaz (Université de La Réunion), Mapping Bourbon in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries (French)
12.00 Emmanuelle Vagnon (Bnf – Cartes et plans), The African Shores of the Indian Ocean: Western cartographies from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century (French)
12.30 Discussion
13.15 Lunch
Session 4: Vernacular Knowledge and Map Construction
Discussant: Isabelle Surun (Université Lille 3)
14.30 David Lambert (Royal Holloway, University of London & Exeter College, University of Oxford), James MacQueen and the Use and Occlusion of ‘Captive’ African Knowledge. (English)
15.00 Bertrand Hirsch (Université Paris I – CEMAf), Fra Mauro’s Ethiopia: a Scalar Issue (French)
15.30 Wendy N’Guia Kahma (Université Paris I – CEMAf), Missionary Cartography and Vernacular Knowledge in Precolonial Lesotho (1833-1868) (French)
16.00 Discussion
16.15 – Break
16.30 Jamie McGowan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), The Stakes of British and African Mapping of the Gold Coast, 1874-1900 (English)
17.00 Benoît Beucher (Université de Paris IV), Mapping the Mossi’s Territory, Vade-mecum for a Historical Summary of the Colonial Encounter in Voltaic Regions (current-day Burkina Faso) at the End of the Nineteenth Century (French)
17.30 Discussion
18. -20.
Visit of the Map Room, Bibliotheque nationale de France.
Advance registration required.
Conference organised by Vincent Hiribarren, Camille Lefebvre and Robin Seignobos, with the support of the CEMAf, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, the CNRS, Ile-de-France, Département des cartes et plans of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the “history” section of the Comité Français de Cartographie.
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