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ICA Commission on the History of Cartography – workshop, Paris, BnF, 2 juillet 2011

The ICA Commission on the History of Cartography plans a one-day Workshop at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) in Paris (Richelieu-site) on Saturday 2 July 2011.  The

Programme will be as follows:

 09:00 – 09:30:      Arrival of participants  (please note that the entrance to the                                    Richelieu Building of the BNF is at n° 5, Rue Vivienne).

 09:30 – 13:00:

(1)   A demonstration of the capability and potential of the software package “MapAnalyst” by Dr. Alastair Pearson of Portsmouth University, UK. This computer programme was developed by Dr Bernhard Jenny of the Kartographisches Institut in Zürich and is known as “The Map Historian’s Tool for the Analysis of Old Maps”.

 (2)   A PowerPoint presentation by Dr Paul van den Brink of the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands,  on “The Internet as a resource for carto-bibliographic research”.

 (3)    A PowerPoint presentation by Lucia Lovison-Golob on the “The Exploration of African Cartography at the Afriterra Foundation”. The speaker is Project Director of the Afriterra Foundation, a non-profit cartographic library and archive in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and Chairperson of the ICA Working Group on Open Access Data and Intellectual Property Rights.

 13.00 – 14.30:  Lunch

 14.30 – 16.00: Visit to the Map Department where a selection of particular maps of Africa  relating to the colonial period, from the BNF’s collection, will be presented and commented on.

Important:   Attendance of the Workshop will be open to everybody, including persons who have not registered for the main Conference, and attendance will be  FREE.

Prospective attendees should please contact the Chairperson of the ICA Commission on the History  of  Cartography,  Elri Liebenberg, at  before 15 June 2011.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Catherine Hofmann (7 mai 2011). ICA Commission on the History of Cartography – workshop, Paris, BnF, 2 juillet 2011. Cartes et figures du monde. . Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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